5 Ways to Reignite Your Creativity When Having Artist’s Block


A Blank page for hours – an artist’s dread. Sitting in front of an empty page that seems to be begging you to fill but you are unable to; making you annoyed and frustrated. But don’t worry,  you are not alone; whether it be writers or  artists, we all have been there ~ artists’ block. All you need now is a comfortable cushion, and a nice cup of your favourite beverage and you are ready to go! Oops.. and  our article cause you have found the answers you have been searching for.


Yes, the one in your phone would do as well!

Ideas  are like morning dews on a flower; extremely beautiful and vanishes before you realise.Well we don’t want that do we? As artists we are well aware  that inspiration might knock your door anytime, anywhere so, we  need to capture them when they do.It doesn’t have to be a paper notebook, it could be the app in your phone or google docs or even  colourful sticky notes if you like them.Just  note random things  like   your neighbour’s puppy happily playing with it’s  tail alone or the way the shoes splatter water on a rainy day; Anything, record them  in short sentences you can understand or rough sketches, if you will. When you look at it after sometime you’ll flood with inspiration or even better, find a pattern for your next art series! Your cellphone isn’t too hard to carry around is it?

02.What keeps  you motivated?

The fuel of your art.

Having a clear picture of why you started creating art and where you would like to  go with it makes all the difference in the world.No matter how dreamy or impossible it may seem, have your goal; it will keep you moving when you would rather shut down your canvas, forever. And who knows  you might end up finding the key to your life!!

03.Solitude and good sleep.

Textbook remedy, yes.Does it work? Also a big yes!!

No matter how classic or old it  may seem,  having a good sleep can rejuvenate you completely; and the flood  of ideas from a clear mind is just a pre-programmed  bonus! Solitude may seem philosophical from a distance but we  all need some time for ourselves, ‘cause, you are the  spring of your art! You don’t necessarily have to go to a secluded hill and meditate, you can just lie on your bed relaxed or go to a nearby park or roast some coffee beans!! Just let yourself  have a date with your thoughts!!


Whether it  be a healthy lifestyle or a bewitching art, consistency is the key.

Set  a particular routine for you and your art, no matter how short, find time for your art; everyday. Great discoveries and creations always take time, so will your art, take one step at a time but never stop.Even if you find yourself staring at the blank screen, don’t pressure  yourself,  it will flow; go through your notes or add some more random things you see or hear. Remember: the world is full of unheard stories and  unseen pictures. All you need is to find them and you will be bestowed with your bigger picture before you know it.

05.Self-care and taking time-off.

You deserve your care and a break.

Just how important  it is  to have a routine, it is equally important to step back and let it go. Self-care might mean different things based on your preferences, it might be a  trip to the  spa or a chat  with your childhood best  friend.It all depends on what makes you calm. You can also take  a walk; in a park or your backyard or indoors or just a standstill  treadmill; walking has been proven to ignite the spark of  creativity!!

If you don’t feel like doing any of this just watch your favourite drama or read your favourite book:again. Who knows, maybe a change in perspective is all you need!!




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